Monday, August 4, 2014

Howdy from Slovenia with my new Canadian and Danish Friends

I was asked before leaving what International Scouting is like, this being my 3rd event I kind of had clear answer. I thought I knew what to expect when I got on the plane and started by 24-hour journey to Slovenia, but when I set my head down on my pillow my first night and looked up and saw the clear, star filled night through the sky light and reminisced on the couple hours I have been here I already know this experience wont be like any other.

 After landing we were transported to the Ljubljana where we would meet a bus that will end our long trek to the 12th World Scout Youth Forum in Rogla. After 16 hours of traveling with a 7 hour time zone change the last thing I wanted to hear when we got there was the bus wasn’t going to be there for another 6 hours. We then decided to explore the city, since you know we have 6 hours to kill, and we took full advantage of this opportunity. I am sure this picture can describe this incredible city better than I ever could.  

I completely fell in love with Ljubljana and can wait to be back next week for the Conference. 5 Americans in the incredible city, meeting locals, and taking pictures of everything filled the next couple hours until the bus arrived and the last couple hours of the trek to the 12th World Scout Youth Forum began. We arrived right on time for dinner and were greeted by familiar faces from people I’ve met in other International Events, like ILT and the IAR Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The tiredness quickly drifted while I caught up with old friends until the late hours of the night.

The first full official day began and was jam packed with adopting rules of procedure and the forum agenda, divided into our international groups, and began our number one mission of the week; networking with fellow scouts from around the world. The week is early and has already exceeded my expectations. I’m looking forward to the next couple days in Rogla enjoying the beautiful mountainous scenery and the cool mountain breeze that you don’t really get in Texas. 

1 comment:

  1. Take lots of photos! Looking forward to reading more about your adventures!
